Grower Ansu
Vandas originate from the rugged southern slopes of the Himalayas, from India to southern China. There the Vanda grows high in the trees, with aerial roots that attach themselves to the trees. Vandas grow almost invisibly as an epiphyte high in the tree. The plant lives on morning dew and raindrops. In order to attract insects for pollination in an inhospitable place like this, the Vanda has to stand out, and it does so because of its special colours.
Exclusive ornamental plant product
The colors of the Vanda are incredibly richly varied, in every common shade. This beautiful flower even comes in blue, a color that is almost non-existent in nature. The combination of the color and the shape make the Vanda an exclusive floricultural product, which means that the flowers are often used by designers for weddings and events. Also in a bouquet or as a single flower in a vase, this orchid is a beautiful eye-catcher and will delight everyone.
The company has both young and old plants. The oldest plants are around 20 years old. If a plant is too old, the quality of the flowers decreases. Then the choice is made to dispose of these plants. A plant produces an average of 2 to 3 branches per year; this is different per species. While you can controle the production of many flowers by changing the climate, this is very difficult at Vanda's. There are small adjustments that can be made, but you can't predict the results. It is therefore difficult to predict the number of branches of a certain species or when they will be ready which makes it a challenge to do any long-term planning.
Manual work
With a 5.6 hectare farm, you would expect the majority of cultivation to be automated. Contrary to expectations, all work in the company is still done by hand. All cut flowers are tied and cut by hand. It is a very sensitive product that is difficult to automate. All plants hang on a hook in the air. Since the plant is an epiphyte and gets its water from dew from the air, only the roots of the plant need to be sprayed with water.
“Standing out together”, that's what ANSU stands for. ANSU is the only grower in Europe to grow this exotic variety. As a specialist in floriculture, ANSU focuses exclusively on varieties that are unique. ANSU wants to bring the best of both worlds together: the eye for perfection of the breeders and propagators in Thailand, the modern cultivation facilities and the commercial vision of the production company in the Netherlands. Two locations, one mission. Standing out together!
FloraPodium, 14 April 2022

Vanda Ocelot Sangria

Vanda Leopard Coral

Vanda Pink Spotty