Allure from BergRoses
Allure is Berg Roses' high-end brand, launched three years ago for the European Florist. These showpieces from Berg Roses are selected for a certain bud size, shape and color and stem thickness by a camera in the sorting system. Allure is available from 60cm. Only the very best roses (about 10-15%) from Berg Roses qualify for this top selection, a selection that a florist can use to distinguish him or herself.
Berg Roses carries the Allure brand with the roses Avalanche +, Avalanche Peach +, Con Amore, Sophia Loren, Clarence, Miss Piggy, Doris Day and Buttercup. Berg Roses offers the widest range in the Netherlands with an extra quality brand.
With the exception of Avalanche +, these allure varieties are grown exclusively by Berg Roses. The Allure varieties are supplied in special packaging, making this exclusive quality immediately recognizable in the market.
Berg Roses expects to be able to add one or two new rose varieties to the Allure line this year. Of course we will share this news with you as soon as we have the details!
FloraPodium, 1 April 2021

Rosa Allure Miss Piggy

Rosa Allure Doris Day

Rosa Allure Buttercup

Rosa Allure Peach Avalanche+

Rosa Allure Con Amore

Rosa Allure Clarence

Rosa Allure Avalanche+