Grower Van der Ende
Several times before the brothers Marijn and Gerard van der Ende have introduced us to multiple of their Amaryllis cultivars. ''Amaryllis is and has been our passion for more than 30 years!'' These man are working in their field and want to breed beautiful products. Through the FloraPodium, we would like to show this passion and craft within and outside of the sector.
From September until July, Van der Ende offers a wide range of Amaryllis cultivars. Small flowers, large flowers, double flowers and the exclusive cybister cultivars. This year, Gerard and Martijn did not only send in a few fascinating cultivars for the FloraPodium, but also at the FlowerBazar, which took place on 3, 4 and 5 November in FloriWorld, their Amaryllis cultivars were represented well.
During these days, we have received a lot of responses from visitors who were overwhelmed by the diversity of this flower and the multiple cultivars. Amaryllis is not only popular during the Christmas holiday, but has also become a charming fall and spring product, due to the many new colours and shapes created with breeding.
FloraPodium, 25 november 2021

Hippeastrum galaxy dubbel Nymph

Hippeastrum cybister Merengue

Hippeastrum mini Green Valley

Hippeastrum galaxy Megastar

Hippeastrum cybister Tango