De Ridder Bloemen en Bloembollen
The gladiolus has a long history and many symbolic meanings. They symbolize strength, perseverance, strong character, victory and pride. Gladiolus comes from the Latin word Gladius, which means sword. This is of course reflected in her sword-shaped appearance. Every Dutch person knows the proverb "death or gladioli". All or nothing, over or under. This proverb comes from the Roman era, when the gladiators had to fight against each other in the arena.
Originally, these flowers mainly grew in South Africa, where they were eaten roasted or used for medicinal purposes.
In the Netherlands, this flower is best known for the annual walking event De Vierdaagse of Nijmegen where all the participants are welcomed at the finish with gladioli; the road where they finish is even named Via Gladioli for the occasion!
Léon and Carolien de Ridder told us everything about their company and the cultivation of these graceful flowers.
De Ridder bloemen en bloembollen (flower and bulb nursery)
Flower bulbs have traditionally been grown at De Ridder. This history goes back many generations. Around 1970, Léon and Jacques’ father Hein started growing various types of summer flowers, including large and small flowered gladiolus. In the mid-1980s, Léon and his brother Jacques joined their father in the company.
Today, De Ridder grows various types of tulips for retail and an extensive range of gladioli for the high segment.
Gratifying flower
Gladioli are not only popular for their rich history and their symbolic character. Due to the enormous color palette that this flower has, there is a suitable variety for every occasion. Gladioli are strong, graceful and because the flowers open one by one, it is also a very rewarding flower to have at home or to use for an event as decoration. Gladioli are flowers that will not disappoint you.
Léon and Carolien have a strict cultivation schedule. The tubers are planted in 13 phases (from the beginning of March to the end of July). In total there are 35 varieties in 12 different colours. De Ridder strives to offer a nice range in all colors throughout the season.
The first flowers are harvested in mid-June, the last ones are harvested at the end of October/beginning of November.
Gladioli are not the easiest crops to grow. They are susceptible to diseases, which means that they lose out quickly. Good, healthy soil is extremely important for good quality gladioli. Every year, Léon plants his tubers on a different piece of land, so that his tubers can grow on nutrient-rich soil every season.
The Ridder gladioli are long and heavy, which makes cultivation extremely labor-intensive. Once the flowers are pulled out of the ground, they are sorted, cut and bunched. These bunches are collected by a special cart. The bunches are put in packaging and then immediately go into cold storage, ready for transport.
Sustainability is a top priority at De Ridder, which is why they do everything they can to make the company as sustainable as possible. De Ridder Bloembollen is MPS-A+, Global-GAP and GRASP certified.
New opportunities due to the pandemic
Léon and his brother Jacques are really passionate about their cultivation. They want to grow a beautiful product of high quality, where service and reliability are extremely important. When the Covid pandemic broke out in 2020, everyone had to adjust considerably in the company. The market collapsed and De Ridder, like many other growers, could no longer sell their flowers. Carolien, who works in financial management, took the reins and focused entirely on the direct sale of their products. Covid offered new opportunities! Another way to deal with customers, another way to run a business and another way to market yourself. And this turned out surprisingly well!
Upcoming season is the third season that Léon and Carolien will work in this way. Getting bigger is not so much on the agenda in the coming years. De Ridder is committed to a good relationship with their customers, a pleasant cooperation, they radiate reliability and deliver beautiful high-quality products.
FloraPodium, 11 August 2022

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Gladiolus Ballino

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Gladiolus Prince of Orange

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Gladiolus Stormy