Van der Valk Groenesier
Fashion and trends change, and so do flowers. We see other types of flowers appearing in the market and new variations in bouquets and arrangements are emerging. In recent years we have seen that green and leaf material is not only used as filling material, but is often used as a full-fledged product. Bart and Rick van der Valk, from nursery Van der Valk Groenesier, grow various varieties of Asparagus. Asparagus is a green variety that is widely used by florists and designers for weddings and events.
Bart gave us a great tour of the company and taught us everything about the cultivation of this versatile product.
Van der Valk Groenesier
Bart and Rick van der Valk are young, enthusiastic growers who took over the company from their parents in 2013. In recent years, the brothers have been able to buy quite a few more hectares and have been able to expand their garden to 5.5 hectares.
Asparagus is really still a niche product, says Bart. In the Netherlands there are only six growers who grow this product. All together this amounts to approximately 15 hectares.
Van der Valk Groenesier grows six varieties of Asparagus, which are available all year round in three different lengths. In addition, it is possible to have the varieties colored to order.
Asparugus comes from the large Asparagaceae family and is native to Central and South America. More than 300 species are known, the most famous of which is the edible asparagus.
Asparagus is a shrub that can be cut for several years. Every year the brothers renew part of their crop. These young plants come in germinated, after which they are planted by hand. About twenty weeks after planting (this depends on the temperature and the species), the crop is cut off, after which it takes another eight to twelve weeks for them to get ready for the next harvest. After harvesting, the branches are immediately sorted according to length and then bunched.
After the bed is cut, the waste is removed, the branches are straightened and the soil is thoroughly moistened. Asparagus is a plant species that can regulate its own moisture balance very well, Bart explained to us. That is also the reason that the plants are in the open ground in the greenhouse, the plants get the water deep from the ground. The roots form a kind of 'ball', in which the plant stores the moisture. Water is only given after the crop has been harvested (i.e. once every eight to twelve weeks), and the plant can suffice on this the entire growth process. The crop is checked weekly, bad branches are removed, topped and the twisted branches are separated. Because Asparagus grows in the open ground, the crop grows low and the harvesting and planting work is done on the knees. This is heavy work and a true craft and this is what makes Asparagus a product with value and which makes it worthy of the market’s appreciation!
Quality and service
Now that the company has grown considerably in recent years, Bart and Rick want to devote the next few years to profiling the company and to be able to meet the wishes of the customers even better. Service and quality are the most important here. In the coming years, investments will be made to improve their relationship with customers as well as exporters, and their needs will be examined.
Van der Valk Groenesier is affiliated with Decorum, with which they want to make their quality recognizable for the market. The company is MPS-A, Global Gap and ETI certified.
Despite the fact that Asparagus comes from a very large family, only a few species are known that are sold as ornamental plant products. Bart hopes that new varieties will come onto the market in the future. New varieties that contribute to the ornamental value of the product and with which florists and designers can make distinctive flower arrangements.
FloraPodium, 25 augustus 2022

Asparagus Setaceus

Asparagus Sprengeri