Future Flowers
Zantedeschias are extremely popular in bridal arrangements. Now that weddings have become possible again in many countries and many couples had postponed their wedding to this year, Eric Jansen of the Future Flowers nursery sees the demand for Zantedeschias increasing enormously. Together with International Flower Network, he is also introducing the Future Flowers 'Wedding Mix'. This mix consists of four types of Zantedeschias, 4 x 10 stems with a length of 50 cm, which are very suitable for weddings and events in terms of color, vase life and shape!
Tip from Eric
Zantedeschias are very nice and decorative. You can bend some types very nicely, without breaking the stems. To do that, warm the stem by rubbing it between your hands, then they bend without problem.
Cultivation in a nutshell
It takes about 16 weeks from planting the tuber to cutting the flowers. Eric is one of the few growers who works with a separate propagation greenhouse. In the first 5 weeks the crop is given time to grow. After these 5 weeks, only the most beautiful plants are selected. In this way Eric tries to grow nice uniform lots. This is more laborious than growing all plants without sorting, but in this way he has optimal results from the cultivation and he is assured of the same high quality all year round.
After these 5 weeks, the crop is grown in 11 weeks until the flowers can be cut. When the plants have been cut empty, the plants are lifted, shredded and ground into compost. This in turn ends up with fellow growers, who use it as a soil improver.
FloraPodium, 22 July 2021

Ventura is a beautiful large-flowered cream/white Zantedeschia. This variety is extremely popular with florists for wedding decorations and for use in bridal bouquets.

Sweet Art

Cherry Kiss